Monday, November 06, 2017

Riding When I Can.

I did sneak in a ride at the North Loop Saturday morning (in the snow!) before we made our way to Duluth for a wedding.  Friday night Brinna and I went for a long walk while it was snowing.  By the time we finished I'd guess we had close to 4" and it was still coming down.  The snow was fluffy and fine but by Saturday morning it was snowman making snow through and through and maybe around 4".

I'm not a fan of running super low tire pressure on my fat bike.  I just don't like how it feels.  So I left the tires at a higher psi for my ride at the North Loop.  I assumed I would be sliding all over and forced to let out to let out air.  Surprisingly the tires bit right through the snow to the ground underneath.  The temperature was already past freezing so my tracks were turning to slush.  That's what happens when it snows before the ground is frozen.  I spent much of the first lap clearing the snow off the low hanging Buckthorn with my helmet.  I ended with 1.5 laps and 1.5 hours.  So fun!

The previous week I got a bit over 2 hours in.  This week I got 9.5 hours in.  I'd like to double that this week but it's been tough finding the time.  The past two weekends were out of town weddings so that takes up a lot of time plus there has been a lot of kid stuff.  The next two weekends are ski swaps and our Team Day at the shop so weekends will be shot once again.  Then Thanksgiving shows up.  Tuscobia will be here before I know it!

Happy Week.

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